Saturday, October 29, 2011

Batman: Arkham City Review for Xbox 360 and PS3

     Well, Arkham Asylum won game of the year and one game of the year always deserves a sequel, am I right? At least Rocksteady and Warner Bros thought it did. Getting to release was sort of haphazard towards the end with the intentional spoilers and the announcement that Catwoman, who was touted from the beginning as a key feature of the game, was now locked out of the game as $10 DLC, unless you bought the game new, just 4 days from release.
     I dunno, I was a fan of Arkham Asylum even though it took me a second playthrough to really get a more positive feel for it. I'm a rather large Batman fan, not in the sense of having an extensive background knowledge of the comics (Though I've dabbled here and there in some ****ing awesome stories (Hush, anyone?)), but rather that he's been my favorite hero since I could walk. Arkham Asylum took a bit for me to catch on to so I was only mildly excited for the sequel and was hoping that there'd be more villains and more polished combat mechanics. I don't have enough money to buy every game that comes out though, so I had to play it without Catwoman since I use Gamefly. Let's get down to what I thought of it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Captain America: Super Soldier Review for PS3 and Xbox 360

(Simon was having trouble with his post so I had to post it for him. This is not my (Ashton's) review)

Ladies and gents. Boys and girls. I'm back on the reviewing train. Whether that's a good thing or not is beyond me but I can't let Ashton do all the work (even though it's fun to watch him struggle). ;-)

With the slew of amazing Marvel films lately, there was always gonna be movie-game tie-ins. Historically, games based on films (and vice versa) have been for the most part.....well......crap! Does Captain America have what it takes to buck the trend of quick cash-ins? Or will this Avenger completely disassemble (comic geek reference there) your hopes?

**Please bear in mind folks that although I'm a MASSIVE comic-book fan, I will be reviewing this as a game with only mild comparison to the comics........well, that's my theory anyway!**

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Review for the Xbox 360 and PS3

     Assassin's Creed 2 (AC2) saved the series for me. It updated the game in just the right way so that everything worked mostly the way it was supposed to the first time around. The story was also very character-driven and delivered several hours worth of varying gameplay. But then, it was given plenty of time to change for the better.
     What's going on with the series now is that Ubisoft wants their AC team to produce a game every year. Most games take several years to make from scratch with some series being able to pump out a sequel in about 2 years using the same, updated engine. But what you get with those sequels are improvements for the series, worthy additions that create new, staple mechanics or features for that game. With that in mind, when Ubisoft touted releasing this game only a year after AC2 and all they wanted to talk about was the new multiplayer mode, I was completely put off and I never picked it up. My thoughts were that AC shouldn't be about multiplayer and I didn't believe Ubisoft was a capable enough developer to pull off a complete, hazard-free game in one year.
     Now, Revelations is on it's way out and I've heard very mixed things from longtime fans of the series saying that Brotherhood was either very decent or a letdown so I thought it would be time to play the game for myself and draw my own conclusions. Allow me to shed some light on the release. Also, in this review I'm going to assume you've played the previous Assassin's Creed games or at least know a fair bit about them. This sequel isn't exactly a departure from what the series has been doing thus far.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     HOLY. SHIT. So sorry! I thought I would get this up and running again; I've basically settled down a bit, Simon has expressed wanting to write reviews again, and I'm finally tired of putting reviews off. Had I known though, that we've had 2000+ page views, I wouldn'tve stopped in the first place! In fact, we've had visitors today! I guess that Youtube video I did and the link in my Xbox profile really worked out. Well, I'm gonna be back, every week to every 2 weeks. I'll at least say something to give off a pulse. And maybe a schedule might help, so I'll post every Tues or Weds. Sorry, I can't even tell if I'm writing correctly or not. I'm so incredibly shocked to have received this many views! I didn't think a soul came around here.

     Anyway, I actually came on today to write a review for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood today. As I mentioned before, I thought that today was the day to pull my britches up and get back to work. So here I am. Be patient with me though, I've totally forgotten how I've gone on about game reviews so I'm gonna have to struggle through the previous trials I had gone through before when I first started. Shouldn't take long to work out the kinks though.

     OK! So, I'm back, Simon might be back, and there should be less disappointment for any visitors, new and old, from here on out when they visit the blog. Alright guys, here we go!