Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to the site!

     Hello, and welcome to Aegis Reviews. My name's Ashton Adams and for the time being, I'll be the sole contributor to the site. Before I let you know about me, let's talk about the site's ambitious goals.

     As gamers, we're really tired of the news butchering our favored hobby. When Grand Theft Auto 4 was released, not only was there LOTS of excitement among the gaming community, there were even more groans as we all watched every news network talking about how it trains your children to be killers and encourages irresponsible or violent behavior.
     I tend to also think that most of us are having trouble with reviews now-a-days. There are a couple of fears or problems that seem common; Game reviews don't really help parents find out what kind of content is really in the game. They also don't tell you if it's worth all the cash you'd be shelling out for it. And then there's the fear that's been growing in gamers as of late that is if our favorite review companies are being paid off for better review scores on games.

Here's why Aegis Reviews exists:

  • There are plenty of ways now to advise what games your children are playing and also how long. I have a job at a gaming retail outlet and I'm shocked at how many parents don't take the time to know about what they're getting their kids and how to control it. Games are really moving in as an entertainment staple, it's likely they'll never go away. Now, I know that there isn't enough time in the day to supervise EVERYTHING your kids are doing but that's part of what this site is for. We're going to take all of your problems and make them easier to deal with helping you be the best parent you can be when it comes to your kid's gaming hobby.
  • Do you want to know what "Suggestive Themes" or "Partial Nudity" means on the ESRB ratings? Did you know they don't mean the same thing for every game? Sometimes words aren't enough or words can't describe as well as pictures and videos. We'll have those here for you. You don't have to search, you don't have to think about the stress of looking around the vast internet. Just come here, it'll be there just for you. And if you don't find what you're looking for, all it takes is an email - "I heard there was a lot of violence, blood, skimpy outfits, etc. in this game but I don't see anything about it on your site." - Since this is important to you, we'll do our best to research it and put it on the site. Right now, since I'm the only one contributing to the site, I'll get to the ones that are more in demand. Otherwise, it's first come, first served.
  • We'll also have guides on how to set your parental controls on systems that you own. These controls include how long your child is allowed to play, what game ratings they're allowed to play, how they can access online gameplay and more.
    My Fellow Gamers
    • We want you to have good reviews to look at. When I go to gaming sites, there are a lot of reviews I tend to disagree with. We're also tired of the numerical scores, aren't you? Don't you just want to know if the game is fun, or an experience to remember and if you should buy it? That's what we want to do. We want to play the game, tell you how everything came together within that game,what overlasting experience we walked away with, and if it's worth your money because, let's face it, this is an expensive hobby.
    • When I look at reviews, I want to know if I'd like it, not if the person reviewing it liked it. For me, nothing sucks more when I want to know how great Ninja Gaiden is only to find out that the person playing it hates that kind of genre and thus gave it a lower score or they just didn't understand the content so it didn't score as high as it could. The goal right now is to get a good number of gamers with different gaming backgrounds with a biography for you to read on each gamer. We want you to look at the bios, find someone who games like you and read THEIR reviews. And if they haven't reviewed that game, you can email for an opinion from your favorite reviewer guaranteeing you always get an opinion from the one gamer you trust.
    • Something else that's been going on is gaming companies are giving money and the right to post an early review to reviewers who give it a higher score so it scores better. How do you know who you can trust? Trust US! We're doing this for YOU! For FREE! Use it! Be a part of it! Start spending money on games you know you'll love and enjoy for a long time instead of spending money on a game you'll play once and put away.
    •  Now, let's get this straight, we might end up adding this somewhere down the road but we have no current plans to make guides or walkthroughs. But hey, we all get stuck. I'm sure we can add parts at the end of reviews for tips on how to get past general difficult parts of games. We'll see...
      Alright, now that you know about the site, the next few posts will be a message to parents, directions on how to get through your system's interface (for parents), and a bio on myself. Which one comes first, we'll wait and see. Thanks for taking time to read our goals and we hope that you'll use Aegis Reviews as your hub to see what's worth your money and what's best for your kids. See you soon.


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    Please, ONLY constructive comments. This is not the place to rant about why 360 is better than PS3, why God of War is better than Devil May Cry. This is about the post, be it a message from us, a review or any other misc. topic. Please respect others' comments and keep it clean. Also feel free to post any questions you have or any requests you'd like for us to cover. Have fun and thank you all!