Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Celebrate the Month of Suda51 on Aegis Reviews!

     Killer is Dead is upon us, releasing later this month on Thursday, August 29th, In honor of this glorious event, we're (I'm) celebrating by giving attention to its equally glorious creator, Goichi Suda of Grasshopper Manufacture a.k.a. Suda51. Why do we like Suda51? Because he isn't afraid to make what he wants. So, how are we going to celebrate? By writing reviews, streaming gameplay, and hunting trophies. Here's what's going on this month:

Shadows of the Damned

     We start off this month with a review of Shadows of the Damned. It's a third-person shooter set in Hell where demon-hunter Garcia Hotspur and his trusty sidekick, Johnson, take on Fleming, ruler of the Underworld, to rescue his beloved Paula from unfathomable torture, pain, and death. The game was published by EA and featured the combined talent of master composer, Akira Yamaoka, and game designer extraordinaire, Shinji Mikami.
     You can check out the review as well as some gameplay and highlights here. Unfortunately, a rather large chunk of the gameplay is missing because I had no idea that Twitch deletes recordings if you don't go to your recording and elect to "save forever" (I guess it should've been obvious what would occur otherwise...) but what is there is entertaining and I ran into a few glitches and mishaps along the way so it is there if you're interested.

Lollipop Chainsaw

      Next up is a coming review of Lollipop Chainsaw, a rainbow-fueled, sugar-frenzied beat-'em-up action game starring the bubbly zombie-slayer and cheerleader, Juliet Starling, and her decapitated, carabiner-attached boyfriend, Nick. A highschool misfit is set on unleashing Hell upon the world by summoning zombies and masters of darkness to carry out his apocalyptic fantasy. Juliet's got something to say about it though and she's going to let her chainsaw do the talking. Lollipop Chainsaw was picked up by Warner Bros and stars the talent of Akira Yamaoka (naturally) as well as James Gunn and Jimmy Urine of Mindless Self Indulgence fame.
     As of the time of this writing, I've just started streaming my playthrough for review which I will be regularly streaming on my Twitch channel and uploading to my YouTube channel as well. Upon completion of the game, a written review will be in the work so look forward to it. Lollipop Chainsaw is one of my absolute favorite games so I hope I can get a few people to try it out by giving it a bit of attention.

No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise

     Now, I've already reviewed No More Heroes for the Wii, it was also my first dose of Suda51 as it was for many others. Glimpsing at the credits for Suda's other games, this is one of the last ones that were credited as being written, designed, directed, and scored by the man himself. Inbetween all my play and writing for reviews, I'm going to be streaming my efforts to obtain the platinum trophy for No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, the HD-remake for the PS3. You can catch the stream on my Twitch channel.

Sine Mora

     Sine Mora is more of a representation of Suda51's desire to see freshman teams and the criminally ignored get a chance to show off their unique visions and his willingness to get them there. I believe the story goes that Suda had caught wind of Sine Mora and liked what he saw, so much so that he offered to lend the talent of his art team and sound designers (including Akira Yamaoka) to Digital Reality in hopes of giving the game the presentation it needed to shine.
     It's easy to see why Suda51 was so taken with Sine Mora. It's a horizontal bullet-hell shooter which is a genre Suda51 has a huge affinity for, you can find such modes of gameplay in a number of his games, and the writing is wondrously dark with twisted and off-the-wall characters. It sucked up a large chunk of my time when it first came out and I was so taken with the story that I typed out the majority of the game's script so I could pass it around to friends. I want to review it but I don't know if I'll have time before Killer is Dead's launch so it'll fall into the category of something to play inbetween reviews to have fun and blow off steam. Sine Mora will also be streamed on my Twitch channel.

Killer is Dead

     I have no idea what's going on in Killer is Dead, I've only seen a couple of trailers and I don't want to know anything more about it until the game is in my hands. Need to get up to speed? Check out one of the latest trailers:

     There will be a stream of my entire review playthrough as well as a written review to follow its completion and perhaps some streaming of subsequent runs. I'm very excited.

The Month of Suda51 has already begun!

     So there it is, a glimpse of what to expect for the rest of August. Short and simple enough for ya? It's gonna be a long, hard road but who knows? It could kick ass, could be dangerous, could totally suck... What do you say, bro? Let's see how far we can take this. And for you reading this post right now, just click on the links. Let the Month of Suda51 begin!

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/AegisOrnus
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/AegisOrnus
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AegisOrnus

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