Sunday, May 2, 2010

Batman: Arkham Asylum review for Xbox 360 and PS3

And I'm back! Many apologies, ladies and gents, for not posting up reviews for a while but here goes nothing.

First of all I'd like to say that I've been reading comic books for over twenty years now so this review may seem biased but I assure you I'll give it a fair trial.

Batman has, once again, captured the Joker and has transported him back to Arkham Asylum (a nut-house for the mentally insane and super-criminals). Things quickly take a nose-dive as you find out that Joker was counting on being taken back so he can act-out his newest plan to defeat Batman and destroy Gotham City (guy needs a new hobby if you ask me).

It's then up to you, as Batman, to track Joker down whilst beating several other recognisable faces (Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Scarecrow etc) along the way. Well, that's the story and, in all fairness, it's not the most complex of storylines but when the game is as good as it is, it doesn't need to be.

+ Graphically this game is a visual feast! For anyone who's read Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison, you'll have a rough idea of the visual style. A very dark and gritty pallette has been used to fantastic effect. The scenery design, as well as the game design in general, is simply stunning. Eidos have really created a superbly dark and moody atmosphere within the twisted walls of Arkham Asylum. Character models are brilliant (for most of it) although the henchmen are a generic character model but it's a small price to pay.
Action takes place all over Arkham Island and you'll find yourself in Botanical Gardens, Intensive Treatment Plants, Medical facilites and much more. Each location just feels right and never out of place. The level layout is open without being daunting. There's lots of little hidden areas that just dare you to find them but are never necessary to the game as a whole.
     Batman, himself, moves with all the grace and power we've come to expect from him whilst other characters are portrayed just as well, if not better. From Harley Quinn's schoolgirl-ish swagger, Ivy's seductive poise and Joker's frantic movements. Even the every-day cops seem to move with purpose. This isn't just a game of Batman, you're entering into the world of Gotham. :-)
+ All the characters have brilliant voiceovers. The exception to this is Batman who can sound a bit wooden at times. The voices compliment the visual movements and styles of the characters perfectly. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker from Star Wars) reprises his role as the Joker and is, to put it simply, magnificent!! Ambient noise and music is also used to great effect without ever becoming intrusive. Combat noise is damn-near perfect and feel like they were ripped straight out of a Detective Comics issue.
+ Gameplay could be described as simple yet satisfying but I feel that this would be doing the game a dis-service. You're given an XP system that allows you to unlock one of Batman's gadgets per level gained. This could be throwing multiple batarangs, extra armour, more comat moves etc. Speaking of combat, this is how it should be done!! Punching two goons, countering another, performing a takedown move on the next before leaping up and flying across the room to kick someone in the head, launching a batarang before using your grapple hook and explosive gel to take down crowds of enemies. Combat really feels fluid and makes the game even more enjoyable.
     Some sections of the game will have you picking off armed guards in true Batman style as you stick to the roofs and the shadows. A gung-ho approach WILL get you killed very quickly so don't try it!! However, the best part of this game (for me) were the set-pieces. By this I mean, certain cut-scenes that normally led-up to a boss battle. Never, will you look at the Scarecrow the same way again!! :-) I really want to say more but I would spoil what is a great piece of the game!
     There is also a lot to do once you've finished the game, not to mention free downloadable content from Xbox Live! Combat challenges, Predator Challenges, riddles to solve, trophies to find. Batman offers a lot of value for your hard-earned cash.
= During your adventure around the Asylum, you're given access to certain gadgets such as electronic doorhacking, grappling hooks etc. One such gadget is the ability to enter into Detective Vision. This is esentially X-Ray vision which is absolutely vital in the game. It also shows you the enemies heart-rate and emotional being (ranging from calm to terrified). This is a great touch but I found myself with Detective mode turned on for the majority of the game. This is a shame as it has a tendency to detract from the amazing graphical surroundings.

- You're Joking right (pun intended). The last boss fight is fairly lame. Almost as if the developers didn't know how to live upto the rest of the game. Such a shame. Thankfully, it's more of a missed opportunity than an out right game breaker.

Should I buy?

Oh hell yes!! Okay, so I'm biased but doesn't stop Batman: AA from being the best game of 2009. There is so much to do even after the main game has finished. Regardless of whether you've read 100+ comics or are stepping into the world of the Dark Knight for the first time, I think you'll be more than impressed.

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