Saturday, May 15, 2010


     Just letting anyone reading the site know we're not dead. With the technical difficulties, headaches, life in general, and a lack of motivation, things are progressing slower and slower. I just sent for technical support from the folks at Wix. Let's hope they don't copy and paste an answer back to me.

As for what's going on right now, I just got every achievement in Sonic The Hedgehog (2006). Anyone who's been gaming long enough to play that game is probably wondering how it's possible to get all the achievements in something so broken. My response is that it's not as broken as you think and I'm a gaming demi-god. Anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about... Well just know that almost no one has done that. There's only a select few who have chosen to "torture" themselves enough to 100% it. After completing it, I don't really want to write a review. I actually want to try my hand at lightly analyzing the Sonic games as a whole and why people think it sucks now. It's going to be opinionated and I'm just going to offer the way I see it. It won't be a both-sides-of-the-story thing. It'll be the first time I do anything like this and I'm curious to see how it'll turn out. You'll also learn about me a little bit more in the process.
     Now, I'm replaying Dead Rising to review and nab some achievements I missed the first time 'round. I'm also trying to rid myself of these headaches... They definitely make me want to ditch the site lol. To add on to that, life is becoming very trying at the moment so I had to change my Gamefly to a cheaper plan and I can't spend a cent on new games. I'm going to start writing reviews on older games, at least games that are still relevant anyway. I personally think it'll be better that way. Games cost a ton of money. What if there was a $5 game you could pick up that had the ability to blow your ****ing mind? Would you buy it? I'd think that you would. After all, the only difference between an old game and a game coming out next week is simply when they were released. It doesn't make either better or worse. It does however mean savings and more games to play now when it comes to older titles. Trust me, if you want credit as a gamer, you get it automatically when you talk about how awesome Killer 7 is or how Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was a revelation for 2D games and the future of the series. Going old school is so much better than staying a scrub, clinging to each and every single new release just because everyone else is doing it. Sorry, colorful language but I'm quite annoyed by kids who think FPS's and Third Person Shooters are the only things worth playing. And if it's more than 6 months old or.... You know what, I'm just gonna stop. I'm going to review older games and you're going to like it dammit! AND IF YOU DON'T, YOU BETTER COMMENT!
     Simon's still around. Dunno what he's doing. Wait, yes I do! He's achievement hunting (you can tell from his recent reviews)... ANYway, he's borrowed a 360 from a friend so he's able to get some gaming done. Other than that I think he's just been busy in general. Isn't he always?
     Something else I want to say: IF YOU READ WHAT GOES ON IN THE SITE, LEAVE COMMENTS! I hear that there are some people who take a look at it. To me though, I don't think anyone reads this stuff at all. And if you do read the site, you should comment on the reviews. We do it for you guys (well technically I do it as a potential foot in the door as a game journalist BUT IGNORE THAT) and we can't make things any better or cooler if there's no feedback. And if you don't give feedback, there's also no drive to make more reviews. So really, if you want a review from me and Simon once a week, comment. If you didn't like the way a review played out, comment. If you think the newer reviews are getting better, comment. They all get sent straight to my e-mail so not a single comment is overlooked. So, one more time: COMMENT OR DO NOT EXPECT REVIEWS ON A TIMELY BASIS! Also, first one to comment will get any game they want reviewed ASAP! Requirements for the prize includes providing at least one point of constructive criticism in your comment. And even if you aren't first, don't think your plea will go ignored. It's what we want to do anyway. The point I'm just trying to get across is to SUPPORT AEGIS REVIEWS IF WE'RE SOMETHING YOU LIKE AND WANT MORE OF! You'll get it if you ask for it.

     Alright, I need to go lie down. I promise it won't be long till you hear from either one of us. At least not as long as this last stretch. Till then...

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